Thursday, June 24, 2010

What do you think of really wild eye makeup?

Hot pink/glitter eyeliner, blue mascara... the works...

What do you think of it? Okay for parties, or save it for the models?What do you think of really wild eye makeup?
Save it for the models. The most ridiculous thing ever is walking into school and seeing girls with green eyeliner and blue mascara. Dark blue eyeliner is one thing, but I've yet to see anyone that can pull off funky colored eye makeup on a regular day.What do you think of really wild eye makeup?
i think it wud awesum. i mean sum ppl might think it look crazy, but i think it just showes how creative u can get. creativity is wat matters. i mean every girls makeup looks pretty much the same, it needs to be unique! unigue creative ppl stand out in this world. they rock!! :)
I saw a beautiful one in a magazine too her eyes were done like a leopard gorgeous but that would be more for the bright lights of walking down a cat walk or magazine shoot to sell there line of makeup every day wear certainly not but there are times it can be fun.

for instance i too have the sparkly liquid liner black , green gold and silver each in there own tube. But i would wear this more for fun in the evening going out to a party or around xmas time. not for day wear so much.

Blue mascara can look nice if put together nicely with the eye shadow and not so many coats on it then become trashy and vampy looking.

Hot pink again not a day wear thing. maybe a nightclub when your dressing up looking for a wilder look same with the silver glittery shadows and eye liner at that time.
in my opinion, i feel that bright and crazy eye makeup is for the runway mainly to exaggerate the clothes and make them stand out more on the runway. but i also feel that sometimes u can wear wild eye makeup 2 the club. it just depends really where ur going whether 2 wear it crazy or not.
I love it if you can pull it off. I have a friend who can where that anywhere, cuz she dresses really fashionable, but i could never wear it. So if it's a party then go for it. Experiment and have fun with it!
i think its kool. i do some really strange makeup for my friends look here.鈥?/a>
I love it all it sounds cool in a sea of ppl looking the same u most def. stand out it kind of sounds how i wear my makeup(not in the summer but mostly in the winter)
I would totally do it for a party. I love makeup and experimenting with different looks. I don't see anything wrong with it at all. Just wear what you feel comfortable.
i think it looks really cool, but it depends on what ur wearing it for, like if its a sit-down dinner party that s formal, i wouldnt reccomend it.
whatever makes you happy.
As long as it's done well, I'm all for it. But then again, badly done makeup in any color isn't going to work.

I like it when people have fun with their look and get really expressive. The only thing I would suggest is watching out for what is appropriate to the situatin at hand. Something really serious, like a funeral, probably isn't the time to wear bright yellow eyeshadow with green glitter eyeliner.
I think that it should be for certain occasions for parties for anyone even a model. If you're a model you have to be able to wear anything. Even if you're wearing a birdnest you have to make it look good. Also I think confidence is key too. Even if you're wearing it at the right time. So its ok, at parties.
hello,,the parties, oh yeah, hold out for just the party girls
i think it looks awsome
weeellll...personally...not to hurt your feelings or anything...but i think it makes you look imature and like a little kid...too wild and just...idk....a more blended and sophisticated make-up job would look the best on anyone....not somehting crazy..a nicely quardinated make-up job would make you look sophisticated..sorry.. have a great time picking out the right make-up!!!

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