Thursday, June 24, 2010

Is black eyeliner a must when doing eye makeup?

I just want to hear your opinions because some people have told me that you must define the eyes with black eyeliner. However, most of the times I do my eyes I think I can go without. I love colored eyeliners but black I tend to stray away from.

I have a dark brown complexion by the way.Is black eyeliner a must when doing eye makeup?
No, I use colored eyeliner all the time, though black is my favorite, and I rarely go without it. Certain looks look naked without eyeliner, but it's personal preference. There shouldn't be rules when it comes to makeup, except perhaps ';blue eyes shouldn't wear blue eyeshadow.';Is black eyeliner a must when doing eye makeup?
black eyeliner is so yesterday. it does not look natural and very cleopatric unless your looking for a pharoah. colored eyeliner is good. it would make you look young and bubbly. black mascara is enough to define eyes.
I definitely think that black eyeliner helps define and bring out a girls eyes. I just think it makes every girl look pretty. I do think that some colored eyeliners are nice especially since you have a dark brown complexion. If you think black is too dark try a brown liner first and see how you like it. However, if you feel comfortable with out wearing the liner then good.
Depends on your eye color. Almay does this really cool color matching with their make ups and for dark brown eyes, which mine are, purple works best. Go check it out at the store and see if you have that color and it does wonders.

As for black, I'm not sure that looks good at all... if you're going to a very formal even maybe, but I've never been a fan of black.
I have found that it makes your eyes stand out. They are the first thing noticed about you with black eyeliner. I don't see how it could make much difference what your skin color is.
it all depends on your persanal taste i use black eyeliner more but im not afraid to use colour i love blue i have red and i want green and purple

just experiment

i don't like eye liner, and i really don't think it doesn't look good on most people. especially pale little blonde girls with black mascara- no! lol. it's definitely NOT a must have. eye liner makes your eyes look tacky and not natural. the only must have makeups i can think of are tinted moisturizer, great mascara, and a complimenting lip shade.
no, i use brown. i have light, freckled skin and red hair so brown works perfectly for me. i think black just looks too fake on me. i even use a brown/black mascara. it just depends on what you like and what looks good on you.
No you don't have to. Here are some tips for younger women black is ok. But you could just use your eyeshadow that you do your shadowing with and use a little across the top from center to outside of upper lid and then do the whole bottom lid just highlight and blend. works nicely and doesn't bleed or smear. For older women that are starting to show lines don't use black it will make you look older and cause the lines to be dominant. Focus closer to a black/brown or highlight as sugested above. Oh and older women stay away from sparkly eyeshadow it also make you look older. Go for matte eyeshadows.
I think that eye liner does add alot but if you don't feel comfortable wearing it then its you'r choice but I would try it!
um no if you have fair or a tan complection (and have brown hair) then it might be best to use brown only on the top lid because its helpful but not overpowering but it really depends on your style if you like wearing darker eyeshadows then black would look nice but dont put too much sometimes i like to wear a creamy light almost shiny eyeshadow and put some black eyeliner on
I can't stand eyeliner, and using lighter colors on my eye actually makes my lash line appear darker. That said, if someone is blond they should really use brown instead of black. People keep telling me to use eyeliner though, but I think I look even more unnatural with it.
for me it depends if im going out to party yes use black other wise i dont use eyeliner natural look is better use make up to make you look more natural and beautiful as if you didnt have make up on! kinda odd.... use make up to make you look as if you dont have any on!

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